Children are supposed to lose their baby teeth naturally when their permanent teeth start to push through the gums. Unfortunately, sometimes things don’t go as intended, and as a result, your child might need to have their baby teeth removed by their dentist. When is this procedure necessary, and how can you prepare your little one for it? Here is what every parent should know about children’s tooth extractions.
Why Baby Teeth Sometimes Need to Be Extracted
There are a few reasons why a dentist might suggest that your child needs to have a baby tooth removed:
- Extreme Decay: Baby teeth have thinner enamel than permanent teeth, making them more susceptible to tooth decay. If the decay is severe enough, it could reach the point where the tooth is beyond saving and must be removed.
- Trauma or Injuries: Your child might chip or break a tooth due to an accident or a fall. Sometimes a damaged baby tooth can be salvaged, but in other cases, it will have to be taken out.
- Preparing for Braces: Baby teeth that stay in the mouth for too long can get in the way of orthodontic treatment. As such, an extraction might need to be performed before your child can get braces.
- Severe Gum Disease: It’s very rare for children to have advanced gum disease, but it can happen. Severe cases can cause the teeth to come loose, and if that happens any loose teeth that don’t fall out on their own might require removal.
Remember, tooth extraction is always a last resort. Your dentist won’t recommend having a tooth removed unless it’s truly what’s best for your child’s oral health.
How to Prepare Your Child for Extraction
The goal is to make sure that your little one knows what will happen during the procedure without frightening them. Be as transparent as possible when telling them what to expect, and take the time to listen to any of their concerns. Try to focus on the positive aspects of tooth extraction, such as how it will keep their smile healthy and how they can expect the tooth fairy to leave them a nice reward afterward.
You should also make sure that you have everything you need to make recovery after extraction as comfortable as possible for your child. That means stocking up on plenty of soft foods they’ll be able to enjoy as well as setting aside an area where they can rest after their appointment.
Having a tooth extracted isn’t very fun for your child, but it may be a necessary step for ensuring that their smile can develop in a healthy way. If your little one has a baby tooth that you think might need to be removed, give your dentist a call today.
About the Practice
At Cove Choice Dental, you have an entire team of caring experts to take care of your family’s smiles. We welcome patients of all ages and offer a wide variety of treatments specifically for children. If your little one needs to have a baby tooth extracted, we’ll go out of our way to keep them as comfortable and calm as possible. To schedule an appointment at our practice in Copperas Cove, visit our website or call (254) 987-6777.