When you talk with a dentist about your oral health, they’re generally just as interested in protecting your oral health as you are. As a result, they want to keep your natural teeth around for as long as possible, just like you do.
That’s why there’s usually a very good reason when your dentist tells you that you need a tooth extraction. It’s not something that any dental professional would recommend lightly, in no small part because they usually have to justify their call to their patients. Here are a few reasons why your dentist may recommend that for you.
Extreme Oral Disease
Gum disease is fairly common, and for many people it’s fairly minor. However, severe gum disease can potentially spread to the interior of your teeth, like the root pulp. This is what causes the severe toothaches that drive people to emergency appointments, and that usually necessitates immediate dental intervention.
In ideal circumstances, such an issue could be remedied with a root canal. That said, in extreme cases this may not be possible. Your dentist may therefore recommend extracting the infected tooth, both to afford you substantial relief and to prevent disease from spreading.
Preparing for Orthodontics
In some cases, people who are interested in straightening crooked teeth need to have some teeth removed that will interfere with the orthodontic treatment. It may be that some teeth will get in the way of others, or that you have wisdom teeth that are likely to come in at some point.
Sometimes, teeth don’t sprout in the way that they ought to. They may fall out of position, or can twist unusually in the mouth so that they become stuck under the gums. This is called an impaction, and in many cases, the only real solution is to take out the problem tooth.
This is most common with wisdom teeth, but may happen in adolescence as the adult teeth start to come in. This may also happen in response to damage.
About Our Practice
At Cove Choice Dental, there’s one thing that motivates us: providing excellent, high-quality dental care to our patients. We have tailored every part of our practice to be as convenient as possible, so that oral healthcare can become something that you actually enjoy. That way, you can someone you trust to take care of your teeth for a lifetime to come, and a relationship with a dentist you can count on when you need it.
If you have any questions about tooth extractions, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (254) 987-6777.