Does your jaw feel sore all the time? Are you greeted by a headache almost every morning? Do you consistently hear popping and clicking whenever you move your jaw? If so, then you may have temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD. This means that your jaw joint, or temporomandibular joint (TMJ), isn’t functioning properly. Our team can determine exactly what is causing your problem and then provide a long-term solution with TMJ therapy in Copperas Cove, TX to give you the lasting relief you deserve.
A TMD can often be caused by a misaligned bite, which prevents the muscles of the jaw from reaching their true resting position and relaxing. As a result, they overwork, tire, and become sore. With an equilibration/occlusal adjustment, we can rebalance the bite by either building up or reshaping a few key teeth. In the end, the teeth will come together correctly, the jaw muscles will relax, and TMD symptoms will go and stay away.